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Brabham, D. C. (2015). Editor’s introduction: Welcoming special section proposals. Case Studies in Strategic Communication, 4, article 1. Available online:

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Editor’s Introduction:
Welcoming Special Section Proposals

Daren C. Brabham
University of Southern California

As CSSC matures, it has become clear that some topics appear more often than others. In the first three volumes, for instance, we have seen many cases focused on social media campaigns, several examining crisis responses, and quite a few cases about consumer goods or the entertainment industry. In the long term, the ideal mix of content in this journal will reflect the whole of strategic communication practice, with more business-to-business cases and cases not wholly centered on social media strategy.

In order to provide this wider coverage, the journal will periodically host special sections within its annual volumes dedicated to a single topic. Much like the special issue format of traditional quarterly journals, these special sections will be organized by guest editors with relevant expertise. Guest editors will work with the core editorial team to develop a call for papers, set deadlines, and receive submissions. All papers will undergo the same rigorous peer review as regular cases.

To view a list of special sections, open calls for papers, and instructions for proposing a special section idea, visit the Special Sections page of the journal website.

The acceptance rate for Volume 3 was 55%. The journal continues to explore a transition to the Open Journal System as resources are made available. With luck, this transition may happen in time for Volume 5. Thanks to the editorial board, which added a few new members, as well as to editorial assistant Kristen Guth. Thanks also to ad hoc reviewers who served Volume 3: Aaron Delwiche, Jennifer Floto, Heidi Hennink-Kaminski, Dave Remund, Dave Sagehorn, and Laura Richardson Walton.

DAREN C. BRABHAM is the founding editor of Case Studies in Strategic Communication and an assistant professor in the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism at the University of Southern California. Email: brabham[at] Web:

Editorial history
Published July 1, 2015
Not peer-reviewed